1.a way of solving a problem in which you use your imagination to try to think about it in a different or unusual way
1.Lateral thinking has helped him to advance his new theory which had seemed to reach a dead end.
2.A variety of general management techniques is often used here, the most common of which are brainstorming and lateral thinking.
3.In an inspired piece of lateral thinking, they decided to look at how babies' names spread.
4.Doctor and philosopher Edward de Bono has come up with a technique for changing our point of view, and he calls it Lateral Thinking.
5.Lateral thinking has helped him to advance his new theory which seemed to have reached a dead end.
6.Mr Schelling's leaps of lateral thinking have been so spectacular that his colleagues sometimes thought he had lost his mind.
7.This is because the Dionysus energy allows you to let go of you logical mind and explore your other lateral thinking mind.
8.NCO 's organisational structure encourages lateral thinking fluid communication and swift implementation.
9.Pop psychology sometimes associates creativity with right or forehead brain activity or even specifically with lateral thinking.
10.Tata executives are more adventurous and better at lateral thinking, says one senior British employee.